How To Become Influential…

If you clicked on this blog to receive a step-by-step guide, oops but that ain’t my goal.
However, if a thought sparked across your head as you read the title, I believe you already are INFLUENCING within your own sphere. You can have 3 doctorate degrees in 3 different fields amongst being a major introvert and STILL you’d be influencing someone. You can be a stay home mom, with a stay home job and STILL you’d be influencing someone. The idea on how to be influential has nothing to do with money or fame – yes in most cases you do see it – however, I came across my very own personal figure, whose story influenced me back in elementary school that had no money, no fame, actually he had nothing, except a record of serving 27 years in prison. Today, on Google you only have to spell ‘nel’ and the suggested list will blast out NELSON MANDELA.
How did he do it? Can you do it also? YES. Reality is – you’re already doing it. You’re already influencing. There is no secret. The key is to BE YOURSELF. Humanity, no matter the age, color, sex or religion, wants to see YOU, the real you. What makes you, YOU. So if you still need a step-by-step guide, here it is. Number 1. Be YOU. That’s it.  

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