To Vote Or Not…

This topic shouldn’t even come up…

I’m not gonna say things like ‘choose the lesser of two evils’. I’m not gonna say things like ‘your vote counts’ I’m not even gonna say things like ‘the voting system is rigged’… But I will say this –
I currently live in a country where if you forget to vote, don’t want to vote, just don’t care about voting, you get fined. And its a ridiculous amount which is stupid to pay. So point being, you have no choice but to vote. Personally I love that system. As an American, I look at this system and just think how much money the gov’t would make if this was ever implied in America. But guess what – it isn’t.
Reality is, I hear things like ‘I wish we lived in the days of the past’ or ‘I wish this was the old times’ NO YOU DON’T. TRUST ME. Things weren’t better back in the day. Truth is, people were fighting for the rights that we have now. Yes, I am speaking as an American to the American right now. Truth is, people back then were fighting for things that were never going to benefit them, but they knew if they took a stand then, generations will be better off now. So lets honor those who have gone before us, who have pioneered a way, made a path, went against the status quo – for us. Lets honor them by exercising the right we have, NOT because they didn’t, but rather because they gave their entire lives for it.

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